So discouraging. Who do we go to for accountability when everyone in politics seems to be in each other’s pockets. A big, unlikely, move would be to abolish public safety ( and all public) unions. Our elected officials are loath to confront police unions because their financial support is essential to their re-election. Even Gov Healy is complicit.
Thank you, Linda. Interesting re: unions. I know that many folks in public safety care a lot about these issues too. My hope is this essay helps folks see the problems clearly. And I think the key word here is apathy not complicity. The Karen Read trial made evident that people care and that's a good thing.
Other cities have the same problem: the unions stiffle freedom of speech bc they are so powerful, going so far as to override local law (illegally) while everyone turns their heads. There's no accountability when no one acts. Then police RELY on qualified immunity. Just read your local police (union) collective bargaining agreements for discipline and compare it to police policies on record retention, police misconduct, and use of force to see connections. No transparency. No accountability. No oversight.
So discouraging. Who do we go to for accountability when everyone in politics seems to be in each other’s pockets. A big, unlikely, move would be to abolish public safety ( and all public) unions. Our elected officials are loath to confront police unions because their financial support is essential to their re-election. Even Gov Healy is complicit.
Thank you, Linda. Interesting re: unions. I know that many folks in public safety care a lot about these issues too. My hope is this essay helps folks see the problems clearly. And I think the key word here is apathy not complicity. The Karen Read trial made evident that people care and that's a good thing.
Other cities have the same problem: the unions stiffle freedom of speech bc they are so powerful, going so far as to override local law (illegally) while everyone turns their heads. There's no accountability when no one acts. Then police RELY on qualified immunity. Just read your local police (union) collective bargaining agreements for discipline and compare it to police policies on record retention, police misconduct, and use of force to see connections. No transparency. No accountability. No oversight.